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Plumbing & Heating Pipes

Hygienic. Safe. Corrosion resistant. Low maintenance. These are just a few of the basic requirements you would expect for your water supply systems. With decades of experience under our belts, our complete range of potable water systems provide you peace of mind with reliable, easy and quick installations. Naturally, our water pipe range is free from heavy metals and toxic chemicals, so you have the safest options at hand requiring minimal maintenance.

Certified to national as well as international safety and quality standards, our water supply systems are a preferred choice for the safe delivery of drinking water in homes and buildings throughout Europe.

Qual-Pex Plus+ 'Easy-Lay' Multilayer Pipe - White

Qual-Pex Plus+ 'Easy-Lay' Pipes

Our Qual-Pex Plus+ 'Easy-Lay" Pipe is more than meets the eye. It's amazingly flexible, incredibly efficient & versatile system. Its 100% Irish Made and is manufactured to the most stringent standards plus it also comes with our market leading 50 year guarantee allowing you to install with confidence.

Qual-Pex Plus Easy-Lay Eco Insulated

Pre-Insulated Pipes

Qual-Pex Plus+ Easy-Lay Eco Pipe Range is a pre-insulated pipe that saves time, money and energy costs. Ideal for use in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. 

Eco Duo Tan II

District Heating Pipes

Our district heating pipe consists of two pre-insulated 1” Qual-Pex Plus+ Easy-Lay pipes encapsulated in 125mm of high performance insulation protected within a corrugated PE-HD twin wall outer casing for maximum protection. 

Get the PLUS+ Advantage with Pipelife

As the Pipe manufacturer, Pipelife guarantees the pipe for 50 years, which is vital when the pipe is being buried within the floor structure for the lifetime of the building. Pipelife Ireland is also a proud Member of Guaranteed Irish. The Guaranteed Irish symbol is awarded to companies which create "quality" jobs, contribute to local communities and are "committed to Irish provenance". All our pipe is 100% Irish made and is manufactured to the most stringent standards allowing you to install with confidence. Plus with every purchase of pipe you're supporting Irish jobs.

Guaranteed Irish logo II

Choose safe and certified water pipes

National and international production and material standards ensure that you can rely on a clearly defined level of hygienic safety and product quality. A professional plumber or plumbing company will always make sure to exclusively use certified products. Pipelife plumbing systems such as our Qual-Pex Plus+ ‘Easy-Lay’, PVC, PP and PE pipes, all comply with strict national and international quality standards, providing a hygienically safe distribution of domestic and heating water.  

Qual_pex Pipe manufactured

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Technical Sales Manager

Michael Geary

Technical Sales Manager

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